Web Service Panel is a long-term
experienced hosting provider and serves
customers worldwide with high-quality
hosting packages for private or business
projects. The self-imposed objective of
Web Service Panel is a straightforward
distribution that ensure more
transparency within web hosting and
supports customers during the decision
making process. Therefore, Web Service
Panel offers only one complete hosting
product and avoids a flood of different
tariffs and technical specifications.
With us, you get everything you need for
a successful internet presence from a
single source, at a reasonable price in
a secure prepaid payment process and
with flexible and freely selectable
contract duration times.
In short, this means: "One Plan -
all-inclusive - no tariff clutter..."
We don't like restrictions and know
that Internet beginners and startup companies in
particular cannot plan exactly in advance nor calculate
exactly which services are required and to what extent.
Anyone who is just starting out or has never had
anything to do with Internet services can hardly foresee
how successful a project will be and what technical
equipment will be required.
To solve this problem,
WebServicePanel.com sets new standards with its ultimate
full-service hosting package and delivers a completely
new hosting concept that is designed so flexibly that it
covers all needs in one package and is provided at a
fair fixed price, without term specifications or gag
contracts . The prepaid payment method offers additional
advantages, which ensures that you only pay for what you
actually use.
how do our customers obtain these RESOURCES?
Would you like to learn more about our hosting concept,
how we work and how we are able to offer unrestricted
web hosting products?
Find out more about our
offer concept:
We embrace diversity and avoid artificial
limitations when it comes to helping
customers succeed online, whether it's a
personal website, blog, corporate website,
or webshop. With our complete packages,
customers do not have to pay attention to
the consumption volume or book constant
upgrades to make ends meet. This gives our
customers a perfect foundation and allows
them to grow dynamically with our fixed
price guarantee and unlimited features.
Our goal is to be able to offer affordable
web hosting without evasions or additional
costs in case of overuse or higher needs. In
this way, we free up our customers' backs so
that they can concentrate fully on their
projects and business ideas. No matter how
many resources a project requires, we offer
everything in sufficient quantities and at
no additional cost! |
All 'Unlimited' sounds
awesome, it feels too good to be true doesn't it?
Unlimited packages include a variety of necessary
resources and functions to run a website, for example,
unlimited storage space, unlimited transfer volume,
MySQL databases, FTP accounts, subdomains and email
accounts, etc ...
Web hosting generally means that several customers use
the existing resources of a server together. Static
values were set for this a long time ago, and each
user received exactly their allotted share of it. But
times change and unused resources have no benefit and
also incur costs. Therefore, we have greatly increased
the technology and capabilities of our servers, offering
more than most customers would normally consume. Since
the loads on a server can vary greatly depending on the
time of day and the application, we use a clever
solution that ensures that unused resources are
effectively shared when needed. This means that there
are fewer long loading times, failures due to
overloading individual accounts or slow processing of
processes. Because our servers immediately allocate the
required resources to the respective account where a
need arises and guarantee optimal operation of your
projects on the Internet around the clock. This enables
us to offer unlimited resources for the legitimate use
of our hosting products.
So the right question is not whether our hosting
packages are really unlimited, but how we plan our
infrastructure and how our customers use the range of
services. In order to have a transparent guideline, the
basic agreement: "Conditions for Accepted Use (AUP)" was
made to provide information about the permitted forms of
use. This is a quality assurance measure and if all
customers adhere to this agreement, we can answer the
question of whether we really have unlimited with a
resounding "YES".
So what does 'unlimited' mean in more detail and what
is unlimited web hosting?
Technical resources are logically limited in their
nature due to technical feasibility. In order to still
be able to offer unlimited resources, we take care of
precise planning and extensive data logistics. In this
way we ensure that every customer, regardless of whether
he runs many or a few websites, small or extensive
projects; stable performance worldwide for its web
hosting package. Unlimited simply means that we don't
charge extra for higher usage. What is required is
automatically available and so the hosting package
simply grows with the success of your company and your
projects, depending on your needs.
Since the demands of our customers are very different
and some customers only operate a small private website
and others an extensive, fully automated web shop, the
resources used are shared and the servers do not exceed
the performance expectations of our quality agreement.
This is how we ensure that we will never reach or exceed
the technical limit of our servers. Should a server
nevertheless reach its performance limits, we place new
customers directly on a server with sufficient free
capacity. We don't sell more resources than we have! For
our business model, overselling is not an alternative
way of making money. We are experts and plan correctly
to maintain the performance of our servers with the aim
of offering the same quality and speed to every customer
worldwide. In addition, we monitor all servers 24 hours
a day to take immediate action when technical
difficulties arise.
What is not allowed with 'Unlimited Hosting
Our hosting packages are subject to various agreements
that must be displayed and accepted by the customer
before purchase. The following points contain concrete
examples of forms of use that are NOT permitted:
• Websites with file upload / sharing / backup /
mirroring / distribution service on the Internet.
• Pages created solely to provide content for external
sites and do not include their own website.
• Making the included resources available to the general
public (whether free or commercial).
It is not a fundamental science how we determine what
are acceptable uses. From our many years of experience
as a hosting provider, we have got to know some
recording options and use them for regular evaluation.
We have set some additional benchmarks for other
parameters to monitor usage behavior for community
performance assurance purposes, such as inodes. In most
cases, experience has shown that customers with a high
demand for storage space, which is well above the
average of the other customers, use the resources set up
as backup storage space, for video streaming or
downloads. This form of use would not be permitted for
reasons of impact on server performance and fairness to
other customers. Customers planning such a form of use
should use their own environment, such as a server or
VPS, in order to be able to ensure a permanent solution
for such demanding projects. Shared hosting is generally
a quality service for many uses and compared to a
dedicated server or VPS, it is a much cheaper
alternative managed by experts.
What does this mean for our customers?
For most users, these precautions should not pose
a problem and the unlimited parameters and limits will
never be reached. The sale of hosting as an unlimited
product is a way of renting that offers legitimate users
unlimited options without having to constantly calculate
and pay later.
If you have any concerns or questions about this
concept, please feel free to contact us at any time. We
would be happy to advise you and offer you the perfect
solution for security and stability in the
implementation of all your projects. You can reach
Customer Service directly
via the service area on this website.